Radu Vasiu

Radu Vasiu is a professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. He received his doctorate in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications from the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania in 1997.

The latest research interests are in the fields of e-learning, multimedia, web technologies, open data and smart cities. He is the president of the Senate of the Polytechnic University and director of the Multimedia Research Center. He has published 12 books and over 100 papers presented at various international conferences. He has been involved in 28 research or international cooperation projects. Currently, Prof. Vasiu acts as president of the International Association for e-Science (IAFeS), which promotes internationally the use of ICT in science and technology.

Relevant publications

Radu Vasiu, Diana Andone, 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2010, TWO
Radu Vasiu, Diana Andone, International Conference on Web and Open Access to Learning, ICWOAL 2014, TWO
Diana Andone, Radu Vasiu, Nicolae Robu, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011, TWO
Silviu Vert, Radu Vasiu, International Conference on Information and Software Technologies, 2014, TWO
Iasmina Ermalai, Bogdan Dragulescu, Andrei Ternauciuc, Radu Vasiu, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2013, TWO

Areas of interest

  • Multimedia Technologies
  • Digital image processing
  • Audio-video compression
  • E-learning systems and technologies
  • Smart City

Tutored courses


Bd. Parvan Vasile no. 2, room A210, Timisoara, 300223, Romania
