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PNCD II project, “Efficiency Increasing of the Support Processes for International Transfer on Managerial Know-How in the Applicative Research and Innovation Field” WINMAN

no. 3598/2007, no. 91051 / 14.09.2007

The WINMAN project consortium aims to develop and propose models for managerial processes and practical methods related to different aspects of the research activity: managerial transformation based on innovation strategies, technology transfer to support knowledge-based developments, implementation of intellectual property rights in research strategy, supporting innovation as a source of competitive advantage, human resource management in research and development activities.


Coherent contribution to the competitiveness of the triangle - technology transfer - research-innovation involves the development of new methods and procedures for knowledge management for research activities. The recognition of the role of technology transfer mechanisms and / or competence elements is also much emphasized by the academic fields, through the partnerships between research - industry - financial services companies. The role of new technologies in improving the productivity and competitiveness of different economic sectors / economic clusters / or even national economies leads to the reconfiguration of traditional relationships between the providers of research results and the final beneficiaries of these results. 21st century Romania is still characterized by significant gaps in technical efficiency, delays and malfunctions in resource management for the adoption of new technologies in industry. It is absolutely necessary to correlate, in the short term, the requirements related to increasing the absorption capacity of European funds and the need to increase economic performance. Consequently, new decision-making models are needed, for the benefit of industrial companies in the field of human resources development for Romania as a whole.


  • Analysis of risk factors in the evolution of international technology transfers, especially at the level of small and medium enterprises in Romania;
  • Development of new models for technology transfer processes in the field of international skills management, in accordance with the specific Romanian conditions (business intelligence)
  • Re-engineering of intellectual property processes in order to involve universities as key players in the field
  • Creating an intuitive and interactive tool on the web (e-business portal), able to support the use of international skills management models
  • Initiating new collaborative business processes in the field of technology transfers, capable of stimulating innovation in Romania.


Director Radu VASIU




190,000 RON

States Corneliu TOMA, Assoc.lect.eng. Diana ANDONE, Lect.dr.eng. Mugur MOCOFAN, Assist.eng. Marian BUCOS, Assist.eng. Mihai ONITA, Eng. Marius CONDREA, Doctoral student Iasmina ERMALAI, Doctoral student Andrei TERNAUCIUC, Doctoral student, Cristian TECU


Academy of Economic Studies, Institute of National Economics, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Center for Industries and Economics Services, Bridgeman SRL, Satu Mare Commercial Academy, Artifex University
